Every organization has sales heroes. At least a few. Ever wondered what they do differently? What makes them successful?
Sales has always been a demanding job especially because it’s always in the spot light. Sales and, in the more modern, context customer service are both client facing functions that require a great deal of influencing skills. Rapport building calls for a conscious effort.
Are these natural skills or something that can be learnt? Do all successful sales people have great rapport building and influencing skills?
The Everything DiSC Sales helps us understand how sales people can adapt their communication style. They connect with the customer by presenting and conversing in ways that resonate with the CUSTOMER, and not necessarily the way the sales person would like.
The DiSC behavioural model allows an understanding of how we could recognize and customize our message so that it resonates the customer’s mental map. DiSC looks at how people interact and what are their behavioural motives and challenges. In the DiSC parlance, this is called flexing,
Is flexing the same as being manipulative? No. For example, let’s say you have a client who likes to make through and slow paced decisions. She likes to ensure that all the facts and figures are in place and risks are mitigated to the last action point. So what do you do as a sales person? You play to your client’s style, be humble and provide all the data and information that enables the client to make a decision.
DiSC helps us recognize and adapt our behaviour. By altering and making our behavioural style match the other person’s style, we help them perceive us favorably. Everything DiSC Sales enables us to understand our customer’s style and flex accordingly. The insights in the Everything DiSC Sales Profile are related to the sales process.
Everything DiSC is a great tool to include in your sales training program. In fact, by using the EPIC account to generate Customer Interaction maps, users can enable the sales team to continuously engage with the customers in a way that make customers respond favorably.
DiSC certification, though targeted towards trainers and HR professionals, would greatly benefit sales people who wish to master the art of behavioural flexibility and become more effective professionals.