A search on the word manager will throw up interesting yet confusing verdicts on what the “ideal” manager is supposed to be. Some would claim that the ideal manager is one who is extremely goal focused and can undertake tasks and deliver results like a superhero in no time, however complicated or challenging they may be.
Some other opine that there is no manager without people ,and hence make them look like Mr. Popular who does wonders in managing people and getting work done through them. In reality however a great manager is somebody who can balance both task and people.
This is how the DiSC model portrays a manager as you would learn in the DiSC Training Certification. Let’s take a quick look at the five traits of a highly effective manager.
Strategist to the core
The best managers are pure strategists. They are ones who devise plans with a highly futuristic perspective and are always focused on the “big” picture. They make judicious use of the power they wield to drive results which make them forerunners in their areas of expertise. Great managers are ones who can inspire their teams to use goal driven strategies to add value to the business and its objectives.
The DiSC Training Certification trains managers in how to strategize by understanding the orientation of people they work with.
Consistent in their management style.
Imagine working with a manager who is calm like a lamb on a particular day and as violent as the stormy sea on the next day. It is difficult to synergise with managers who are erratic and unpredictable in their behaviour. Such managers continuously exude confusing signals and people working with then would hardly know when to take them seriously and when not to, with the result that most of the times their reactions are attributed as tantrums.
Forget driving teams, such managers can hardly manage themselves. A good manager is one who displays a consistent management style. Being predictable in their responses makes them easy to handle and subordinates feel secure and trusted in their interactions with such a manager.
The DiSC Training Certification helps you spot your management style.
Objective and non- judgemental.
Good managers should be able to handle each individual and every situation with the same temperament. Objectivity should be the watchword in every decision that they make and they should be able to overrule personal bias consciously in all their interactions. Any tendencies towards favoritism should be curbed since they not just make you unpopular but also works as a sure shot way of gaining disrespect and cynicism.
The DiSC Training Certification provides personalised tips on how to be objective.
A great manager is one who is confident in their abilities and skills. They are comfortable in their role and never feel perturbed or threatened by a subordinate who is more competent. In fact great managers have an eye for spotting great talent and will go to no length to ensure that such talent is always highlighted in their teams.
Experts in managing crises.
Most managers spend a greater proportion of their time managing crises. People who get disturbed or emotional during situations of conflict will never make great managers. In fact a manager would require to take a detached and unbiased view treating conflicts more from a third person point of view. This will help them gain respect and recognition of being logical in decisions.
In fact the managers conflict resolution methodology is what will gain the trust of the team even in non-conflict situations.