Very often, we attend a certification program with enthusiasm and then after a few months, realize that we have not really applied the new knowledge to real life. Lessons are forgotten and the training material lost in the pile.

Strengthscape supports its trainers on a long term basis by providing complimentary consulting and advisory services for implementing DiSC based training interventions. Our aim is to give you all the skill and resources you need to become a DiSC trainer in its true sense.

Hence, we provide a comprehensive library of resources as a part of the certification. By providing access to an online Trainer’s Login, we provide a unique opportunity to access a range of training games and activities. Online access also means that you also get updated material and have no risk of loosing the material.

  • DiSC Assessment Report

    Every participant takes the Everything DiSC Workplace assessment and is provided with a personalized report. In addition, an Everything DiSC Workplace will be provided to all participants to administer to a third person and conduct a practice debrief session. This will enable the participants to internalize and emulate the learnings from the DiSC Certification.

  • EPIC sub account

    Electronic Profile Information Center is a 24/7 website which works as a self-service portal to administer and generate DiSC profiles, reports, facilitator reports, group reports, comparison reports and other supporting DiSC documents on demand. This ensures that a trainer is equipped with the basic resources for undertaking DiSC based facilitation.

  • Access to Trainer’s Login

    Trainer’s Login is a repository of learning resources. The trainer’s login is updated frequently.

    1. Master presentation on DiSC
    2. Case Studies
    3. Marketing Resources
    4. Ideas for conducting DiSC based games and activities
    5. Price Lists
    6. Brochures and Sample Reports
    7. Tutorials for EPIC Account
    8. Facilitation Checklists
  • Subscription

    Subscription to Live Virtual Online Classes and the E-learning module (conditions apply)