DiSC Classic:

The DiSC Classic Series is the world’s most sought after behavioural assessment tools. Used by more than 40 million people worldwide, the DiSC Classic was the first assessment series and has more than four decades of research backing it.

Available in both the paper and pencil and the online formats, DiSC Classic is popular also because of its global applicability with versions available in more than 30 different languages. If you are looking for an assessment for a global roll out, this might be the right choice for you.

DiSC Classic assessment consists of a 28 forced choice tetrad questionnaire. Respondents have to choose between aspects that are most like them or least like them. Constructed on the four behavioural scales of D, i, S and C, DiSC Classic provides a highly reliable description of a respondent’s behavioural tendencies and priorities.

The assessment typically takes 15 minutes to complete online and an additional 5 minutes with paper and pencil version.

DiSC Classic 2.0 has a plethora of applications across various genres of management and can be used to hire, develop and retain the best resources, build top- class managers, coach leaders with a vision, improve collaboration between and within teams and to mitigate conflict. Individuals assessed using DiSC Classic 2.0 are provided personalized tips to improve their communication skills, personal effectiveness, interpersonal synergy, social behaviour and leadership traits.

The paper and pencil assessments of DiSC Classic are
Personal Development Paper Profile
C-888 Classic Paper Profile

The online assessments are
DiSC Classic 2.0 Profile
DiSC Classic 2.0 plus Profile

The DiSC Classic Graph

The DiSC Classic Profile represents behavioural tendencies in a linear format. Each individual is represented as a combination of all the four DiSC behavioural tendencies, with each having different levels of intensities based on their priorities. The interconnection between the different behavioural tendencies is used to build the profile of an individual, which in turn predicts the individual’s responses to various environmental stimuli.

The profile thus built, is used to develop the behavioural overview of the individual, which is a detailed description on how the individual reacts to the environmental stimuli. Based on the analysis of the individual’s behavioural preferences, the factors that motivate them are stated and the environment most conducive to performance where the best can be extracted from the individual in also determined.

The narrative further suggests strategies that are recommended for improving personal effectiveness and for managing conditions of conflict better. A linear representation of the intensity of various behavioural traits in the individual derived from the responses to the forced choice questionnaire. Using this as a reference, personalized tips are provided for improving relationships, managing people and teams, for effective communication and for managing conflict.

Everything DiSC Reports

The Everything DiSC Assessments are tailor made for individuals to increase their awareness of self and to use this understanding to spot the preferred behavioural styles of others and fine–tune their interactions with each other. Using the DiSC framework as the frame of reference, the Everything DiSC Assessments help organizations and individuals build long lasting synergies at the workplace.

The Everything DiSC Suite- a relatively newer assessment owes its popularity to the simplicity of usage and interpretation and its divergent range of application across levels in an organization. The tool is being utilized by businesses worldwide to help their people to understand and interpret human behaviour in order to improve managerial effectiveness, leadership prowess, professionalism, employee engagement, salesmanship, open communication and organizational trust.

Everything DiSC assessments are result of decades of research that had gone into DiSC Classic series and have objective algorithms and the most innovative assessment techniques which can generate highly personalized feedback on an individual’s behavioural tendencies in no time.

In just a few years, the assessments have been administered to more than a million individuals making it a highly robust and versatile tool. Everything DiSC assessments and support tools, as well as the DiSC Trainer Certification using Everything DiSC can be provided only by authorized partners of Wiley. We are proud to be an authorized Wiley Everything DiSC partner.

Everything DiSC Profiles:

1. Everything DiSC Work of Leaders – A leadership skills inventory tool, this behavioural assessment helps leaders increase their effectiveness by understanding their own leadership styles, using the framework of vision, alignment and execution. Buy Now
2. Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders – This behavioural profile packs in the power of the 360 degree survey to generate three personalized strategies that require the leader’s immediate attention in order to enhance their leadership prowess. Buy Now
3. Everything DiSC Management Profile -This profile teaches managers how to bring out the best in each employee. They learn how to read employee styles and adapt their own styles to manage more effectively. The report focusses on how the managers delegate and direct, develop their team members and manage upwards. Buy Now
4. Everything DiSC Workplace Profile – This profile aims at using DiSC behavioural preferences to help people decode the behaviour of people around them, while providing individualized tips on flexing behaviour to improve workplace relationships and create happier and satisfied professionals. Buy Now
5. Everything DiSC Sales Profile – Through an accurate set of behavioural pointers to spot the customer’s buying style, this assessment helps salespersons to construct sales pitch that matches their customer’s preference. Buy Now
6. Five Behaviours of a Cohesive Team – Based on the bestseller “Five Dysfunctions of a Team” by Patrick Lencioni, this team profile addresses something strategic for an organization – Teamwork. Trying to manage dynamics of groups is a time consuming and tedious task for most businesses and there is lot of effort put in this direction today. The Five Behaviours of a Cohesive Team as the name indicates uses an individual’s DiSC styles to offer suggestions on how their behaviour can be flexed to incorporate the five behaviors that go into building team – Building trust, Mastering Conflict, Achieving commitment, Embracing accountability and Focusing on Results. Making the individual aware of how his strengths are vital to team success increases motivation and self-drive leading to enhanced teamwork. Buy Now

Beyond DiSC Reports:

The DiSC tools are designed to suit myriad business challenges. Moving beyond DiSC there are special assessments that cater to highly critical aspects of personal effectiveness and management.

The Beyond DiSC Assessments are as follows:

1) Time Mastery Profile – This Assessment looks at assessing individuals at how effective they are in managing their time on the basis of twelve predetermined variables. The Profile then makes recommendations on better management of one’s time, and helps individuals balance priorities better. Buy Now
2) Personal Listening Profile – In our discussions on communication, we unconsciously tend to undermine the importance of listening. Nevertheless communication is incomplete without listening since the appropriate response depends on how well the listener listens. The Personal Listening Profile helps a person to understand their most preferred or natural listening style in the context of five different approaches and offers personalized tips and strategies to transform them into astute listeners. Buy Now
3) Team Dimensions Profile – Businesses are incomplete without collaborative effort and what brings the synergy is the right group dynamics. Team Dimensions Profile is Wiley’s answer to this challenge that most businesses face. The profile through its two dimensional modelling technique makes recommendations to individuals on how to survive in groups by focusing on their strengths and weaknesses. The Profile also clarifies the various roles that an individual adapts best to, in a team. Buy Now