Just the other day, a friend of mine who runs a staffing firm was talking about how their clients kept cribbing about bad hires turning out to be major money guzzlers. In fact the statistics here are quite alarming. Bad hires can prove to be costly since replacing them may require double the amount of money it took to hire them. In the discussion I recommended that using DiSC Assessments as a support tool for hiring could help to reduce bad hires. Let us just examine how understanding behaviour objectively can help to bring down the risk of recruiting the wrong person.
The most accurate predictor of the future or present is past data for any variable and the same explanation holds good for behaviour too. The behaviour of a person or the way they have reacted in the past to situations can more or less indicate their responses to similar situations in the current scenario.
Thus using behaviour assessments like DiSC which primarily plot behaviour in terms of the most preferred responses to stimuli over varied situations would be a fairly accurate estimation of the role adaptability of an individual. DiSC Certification, which looks into the various DiSC tools is a great way to understand human behaviour in the contextual framework of the DiSC model.
Behaviour can also be used to understand whether a person actually wants to take up the role offered to him, whether he or she has the right traits for the role and whether their behavioural styles will fit well into the culture of the organisation they aspire to be a part of. The candidates through an assessment of self will also be able to know if their career goals are in line with the objectives of the role and the organisation as well.
By getting your staffing executives to be a part of DiSC Hiring Expert Certification, they learn how to use the DiSC Profiles to ask the right questions in interviews. Conventionally interviewers just use their gut feelings about a candidate and recruit primarily on intuition.
Using behavioural assessments as a support tool for interviewing can change this. As opposed to the run of the mill questions like “what are your strengths and weaknesses?”, which just give you very vague or generic responses, behavioural questions can give you deeper understanding of the person. Questions which probe into how a candidate had handled a particular situation in a previous organisation will furnish helpful and actionable information on the attitudes and behaviour that had prompted the individual to react that way.
DiSC Hiring Expert Certification trains people managers and recruiters on how to specifically look at action verbs which could be clear indicators of an individual’s behavioural choices and to understand how those determine fit to a job role.
Do you want to be a part of DiSC Certification – Enrol here.