Not two leaders are similar. Every leader has their own way of leading people and there is no “right” or “wrong” approach. However the need of the hour is the capability to adapt leadership style to situations and people with minimal effort. The Everything DiSC Leadership Profiles enables to reinvent themselves and win the trust and respect of their people.
Leaders need to proactively identify their behavioural strengths, their true potential, use it to build accountability for every action. It is increasingly important that they understand what they are best at and where they lack in so that they can make the best use of every situation that they face by converting them into opportunities for the business.
The Everything DiSC Leadership tools – Everything DiSC Work of Leaders and Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders, have proven their worth in developing superb leaders who know what is expected from them and have clear strategies on how to get there.
Everything DiSC Work of Leaders:
Using the framework of vision, alignment and execution, the Everything DiSC Work of Leaders profile help leaders to understand their own behavioural strengths and how they can be moulded to increase leadership effectiveness. Each leader is assessed on 18 behavioural continua and a 23 page highly personalised report is generated with a rich narrative that furnishes context specific feedback on tips and strategies to enhance leadership prowess.
The report which is a result of research effort of over four years, has inputs from over 300 domain specialists from across 150 organisations and is totally centred around best practices in leadership. The report views leadership as a one to many relationship in contrast to management which is seen as a one to one relationship.
The report opens up new avenues of thinking for leaders of all levels, wherein they get to introspect on how effective they are in steering their organisations through each stage of the leadership process. The Everything DiSC Work of Leaders Training Program uses classroom facilitation, pre-work, engaging videos, games and activities to provide highly actionable and easy to implement strategies to enhance leadership effectiveness.
Everything DiSC 363 For Leaders:
Every leader requires being multi-dimensional. Through years of research the Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders recommends the 8 dimensions for an effective leader. A leader is never a “stand-alone” entity .In fact their effectiveness is determined by how they are able to match up to the expectations of people around them. The Everything DiSC 363 For Leaders incorporates the best of 360 degree feedback system and uses the inputs to devise three top strategies for improving leadership effectiveness – 360 + 3 = 363.
The report essentially follows a three step methodology for leadership development. The leader first assesses himself or herself on the eight dimensions of leadership. This is followed by an analysis on the perceptions of people the leader regularly interacts with on the same dimensions. Quite surprisingly the leaders may find that the perceptions of others tally with their own in some aspects, while may be diametrically opposite in some others. This in itself works as an eye-opener for them. The Big Picture feedback compares the two so that the leaders have a clear picture on where they stand.
The 360 degree feedback is then used to identify the three strengths of the leader which they need to capitalise on for enhancing their leadership prowess. Conversely the report also points out three areas where the leader needs to improve on. Both the strengths and the areas for improvement are identified based on the feedback taken from the raters who could be peers, subordinates, reporting managers or others who the leader regularly interacts with, whose details are not shared. This confidentiality ensures that true opinions are shared and the strategies recommended are practical since they are backed by many years of behavioural research.
Are you looking for a psychometric tool to assess your leaders? Enroll for DiSC Certification to know more on Everything DiSC.