Professionals today need to have the right credentials to differentiate them from their competitors and to create a unique proposition. Gone are the days when all that a job required was just educational qualifications and experience. Today businesses require professionals who are not just qualified but sensitive towards situations and people.
Behaviour has become the key to building the right foundation for critical competencies at the workplace, since team performance is given more importance than individual contribution today. Softer skills like communication, interpersonal effectiveness, relationship management, customer centricity, adaptability and team collaboration are all dependent on how an individual reacts to the environment and their behavioural tendencies.
A behavioural assessment like DiSC profiles uses an individual’s most repeated responses to varied stimuli to profile their behavioural choices. A DiSC certification program will train professionals on how to analyse, interpret and apply DiSC assessments to resolve various challenges in the workplace.
Globally accepted tools like DiSC profiles which objectively interpret human behaviour is what every organisation invests in today to increase profitability and enhance the productivity of their teams. A DiSC certification will give your resume the right credentials to skyrocket your career to greater heights and will improve your revenue prospects.